Tony has worked in many sixth forms, in colleges and with A Level English Language, Literature and Drama groups. His poetry has also been enjoyed as the inspiration for projects on all sorts of creative courses and modules, producing some great work – art, graphic design, typography, photography, videography etc.

A visit to your college could be run along similar lines to secondary schools (please see above) or something more targeted and bespoke could also be discussed. As a freelance professional artist for over 10 years, working in all sorts of sectors and with all manner of other creative practitioners, a talk with Q&A about real life industry experience is often very popular too.

Tony’s powerful poem, perhaps his very best, “A Girl Like, Y’Know” was included in the recent Cambridge University Press AQA English A/AS Level Student Book with associated online content. The poem, NB complete with strong language, can be watched here.

For details of rates and dates and to discuss booking a college visit please click here.

Extract from “Take This Pen”

Welcome! We’re expecting you!
We’ve saved a place for you. It’s true
that you are us and we are you and
poetry is for you.

You’re different. But we’re the same!
Strange family, all with different names
But we’re all lit from a single flame.
And poetry is for you.

So here’s a gift to you from me
The pen a poet gave to me
Take it. It will set you free.
And poetry is for you.

“Take This Pen” is published here.

Photo : Paul Fosbury Photography